The Most Unique Cars You Have Ever Seen
While a lot of cars offer interesting features here and there, it’s concept cars and special-built vehicles that provide the real gold mines for unique designs and additions. These sorts of autos serve as test beds for things that can wind up in future production lines. To get an idea of how advanced or unusual cars can get, here are some examples that uniquely stand out.

The main goal of the Corvini C6W’s six wheels is improved safety, not speed. First, the designers think the leading pair of tires can reduce hydroplaning by clearing a path through standing water so the second pair can make firmer contact with the road. Next, if one front tire ruptures, there’s a second one to maintain stability while the vehicle is stopped. Finally, two extra wheels means two extra brakes.
OSI Silver Fox
Mohs Ostentatienne Opera Sedan

Hand-built, this one-of-a-kind vehicle offered both safety and luxury. The most peculiar feature of the car is its single rear-hatch door. With no side doors, steel-reinforced panels could be placed there instead to handle side impacts. Additional touches included a refrigerator, Ming dynasty carpets, and 24-carat gold inlay on the dashboard.
Zenvo ST1

This sports car has the distinction of being designed and built in Denmark. The vehicle possesses a 1250 horsepower V-8 engine that’s both supercharged and turbocharged, giving it a top speed of 233 m.p.h. Only 15 are constructed each year and cost $1.8 million. It can break both speed records and bank accounts.
Cadillac Cyclone XP-74

This 1959 concept car introduced several then-novel features. The doors slid back horizontally like modern minivan side-panel doors do. The convertible used a dome-shaped top made of Plexiglas that would extend when a sensor detected rain. It also had all the exhaust components in the engine compartment. Most interesting of all, it contained two radar units in front-end cones that alerted the driver to on-coming obstacles.